Piezasa was founded on June 23, 2022 in the city of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; by young people who intend to offer a Company capable of supplying all the existing needs in the automotive market. Its brand is made up of a compound hexagonal figure and two typefaces in which it has the full name of the company. With a simple chromatic of black and red.

Piezasa Import
Type of Work
Graphic Desing

The commercial brand Piezasa is born from the synthesis of the augmentative of piece with a symbology in the initial “P”. In the main logo you can see the geometric figure of the hexagon. This symbol is presented as a simple element with a rigid and stylized shape. It is also accompanied by a corporate identifier, this adds to the brand the added value that represents us. At the same time, the union of characters and personalized details build a personalized typography, which gives the brand its own modern identity, fundamentally to last over time.

All corporate identity is ensured in every detail that expresses said identity and that is why in Pieces to Import a chromatic Harmony capable of flowing on any surface was created, influencing all the applications planted by the company.
Customers have many options in the automotive aftermarket industry, but from parts to service, including customer and dealer satisfaction, Piezasa developed an identity that encompasses all these processes without losing any of it. makes it so much better than the competition.